Everyone is welcome
Volta is designed for all ages and abilities
We invite you to walk through our door, ask questions and try. You will be greeted by friendly, engaged and well trained staff ready to help you rise from exactly where you are!
Our mission
Nurturing community is at the heart of Volta. The climbing aspect of our gym is a passion-inspired means to bring people together in a healthy, supportive, and playful way. We offer dynamic fitness options, group experiences, teams and more, to encourage you to learn new skills and make new connections. Volta is committed to personal growth and community building.
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Cardio Equipment (bikes, ellipticals, rowers, treadmills) ➜ Full list
Yoga room
Lounge space for viewing both bouldering and rope climbing
Work space
Main Floor
Front desk with all rental equipment needed to access every part of gym
“Homeroom” - party room/classroom
Curated retail shop
“Snack Bar” - fresh/packaged snacks, local beer, drinks, coffee
🏁 adult Bouldering League
Registration is open. Join anytime during the November 4 – December 29 season!
Route setting is the artful arrangement of climbing holds on a climbing wall to produce a route or problem.
December 7th | 8:30pm-midnight
Formal-wear Dance Party
Digital Gift Card
Digital Gift Card
Digital gift card
Choose the date you’d like to gift yours, and we’ll send it to your recipient in the form of an emailed barcode with personalized message.
(Physical card pictured for sale at our Front Desk).
Mary and JR Krevans
“Volta is a welcoming and comfortable space both physically, and more important, socially. We are in our 60’s , one almost 50 years from occasional rock climbing and the other, new to the sport. At Volta we can be strong, be daring, be encouraged and be safe.
The ability� to climb and work out there makes it possible for us to stretch ourselves in the back country and be stronger members of our rescue team. The ability to get onsite physical therapy and yoga is an added benefit.� Thank you for this wonderful community.”
A greener Volta
At Volta we have a 27 kilowatt solar array on our roof which offsets our energy use by at least 80%.
To optimize our HVAC system’s energy consumption, we ask that you use chalk balls and liquid chalk in our gym.* When this system is burdened by loose chalk, it increases what we require from the grid to keep our air clean and our carbon footprint as small as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and helping us achieve a greener system!
*We have chalk balls (a mozzarella ball-sized sock for loose chalk that fits into your bag) and liquid chalk for sale at the front desk!
outdoor bouldering pad rentals
$15 / day
Visiting Acadia for outdoor bouldering? We’ve got local knowledge to share!
Get in touch
The land Volta occupies is Wabanaki homeland.
We are grateful to be here, and honor the ancestral and contemporary Wabanaki peoples who are indigenous to this place.